5 Things You Need to Know Before You Use Customer Testimonials in Your Marketing
When Running an Online Business, Other Important Things to Know

When you get a glowing review from a customer, don’t you just want to shout it from the rooftops? Of course you do! As a business owner, you may want to use such reviews and testimonials to help promote and market your products and services. Maybe you’re putting those testimonials on your website, your sales page or sharing them on your social media.
It’s no wonder that you’d want to use these testimonials in your marketing. According to one survey:
“[Online customer] reviews are very impactful. The vast majority of participants who have seen reviews claimed that that information did impact their buying decisions. This was true of both positive reviews (90%) as well as negative reviews (86%).”
Well – surprise, surprise – there are rules about the right way to use testimonials in your marketing. And in this episode, I’m breaking down what you need to know before you do!