
Website Terms of Service and Privacy Policy


If you collect information from your website visitors (think, email opt ins, credit card information, Facebook pixels, Google Analytics, etc.), you need to have a privacy policy on your website indicating what information is being collected from visitors and how it’s being used.

Websites should also have a Terms of Service that outlines the terms and conditions under which a website visitor can use your website.


The Details

If you collect information from your website visitors (think, email opt ins, credit card information, Facebook pixels, Google Analytics, etc.), you need to have a privacy policy on your website indicating what information is being collected from visitors and how it’s being used.

Websites should also have a Terms of Service that outlines the terms and conditions under which a website visitor can use your website.


What's Inside
Oh so great for
I saw many coaching agreements by other coaches, but I wanted something with the proper legal wording that would give me enough confidence to protect both me and my clients. [I]t gave me the confidence I needed to proceed with my business.
Tracy, Coach
I just purchased the event planner contract ...and I LOVED how painless it was! My husband is also a lawyer and he was super impressed with the contract!
Molly, Event Planner
Just received the signed contract back from my new client! It is a big, open-ended partnership & I feel so much better knowing that I've covered my you-know-what with them. Thank you a million times over for such an easy document to use.
Karen, Marketing Consultant
When I first started my business, I was using contracts I'd created in a piecemeal fashion from other contracts I'd found online. I wasn't sure if they were thorough, reasonable for all parties, or even legally binding. Transitioning to the use of [Your Legal BFF's] contract templates gave me the confidence that I was presenting myself in a much more professional manner, and the security in knowing that my contracts were fair, equitable, and legally sound.
Nikeva, Wedding Planner
I wanted to start really taking myself and my design business seriously, and having a well-drafted contract is one way to go about doing that, but I had no idea where to even start. That is, until I discovered Annette and her amazing (and amazingly affordable) contracts! Now I have an agreement for design services contract that leaves me feeling confident and protected, and it's such a relief! Not only that, but every piece of the contract is explained in detail, so I know the ins and outs of what I'm sending to clients. No more anxiety!
Melissa, Designer