you’re probably going to need:

Your Legal BFF is your go-to legal bestie for easy-to-understand and industry-specific contract templates that help you confidently start, grow and protect your business baby.

I always feel like I'm in good hands when I'm using Your Legal BFF's products. I feel protected and informed, just as any smart business woman should be!
Cynthia, Wedding Planner
I purchased one of the legal bundles last week when I heard I won a bid and wanted to move quickly. Today, I got the redlines from my customer's legal department. They had maybe three edits and one was a missing period. In my day/full time jobs, I deal with vendors and the items I submit to legal get a lot more than three redlines. I'm new in business and was hesitant to spend the money but knew enough to get over that mindset.
Lig, Event Planner
I can't thank you enough.  A V.P. of Morgan Stanley has just signed my contract for wedding planning (for his daughter). He said that I need to congratulate my lawyer for writing such a well-balanced contract (which he signed without question).....My new contract is making it easier than ever to secure contracts which means more work than ever!!
Nikki, Wedding Planner
I did not want to pay an attorney hundreds/thousands of dollars to prepare a contract for me. I was happy that the template was so easy to use and that I was able to create a contract quickly. I have made minor modifications, but that agreement has already been used 16 times in the past 7 months!
Lynn, Wedding Planner
As a new creative, it is tempting to want to spend money on a new website, branding, business cards, etc., but your biggest investment should be in making sure that your business is covered. If you can’t afford to sit down with an attorney to draft up a contract, this template is the next best thing!
Tiffany, Wedding Planner

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