
Agreement to Terminate Contract


It’s time to say “bye, bye, bye” to a client or another party to your contract. Should you have something in writing? Yes!  This template for an Agreement to Terminate Contract can be used by parties to a contract when they have agreed to terminate their contract.

The Details

Protect yourself before you end a contractual relationship by having the parties sign this Agreement to Terminate a Contract.

This contract template addresses a variety of important issues that should be addressed before terminating a contract.

What's Inside
Oh so great for
I've been in business for a long time--too long to not have official, legal contracts. It was always on my list to do, but I just never took the time or made the investment to make it happen. Then a dreamy client asked for some changes to the project agreements I sent her, and I knew it was time to get official. I want to protect myself and my business, but even more so I want to make sure that my clients feel comfortable with the information and access they're giving me to their businesses.
Abby, Writer/Marketing Consultant
I just purchased the event planner contract ...and I LOVED how painless it was! My husband is also a lawyer and he was super impressed with the contract!
Molly, Event Planner
I have been able to tweak the contract to accommodate the needs of each shoot and client. Overall, I think clients take me more seriously when I send a detailed contract over. It shows that I value my business, but I also value my clients in putting these in place.
Kylie, Photographer
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you. I have a huge wedding I just booked, and went ahead and invested because I knew I needed to up my contract game. Turns out, Mother AND Father of the bride are high powered lawyers, and definitely scrutinized everything in a 45 min phone call. I was freaking out, but they said multiple times " You have a good lawyer" and "The contract is very thorough.
Cassandra, Event Planner
I purchased the Independent Contractor Bundle and it saved me so much time and made me feel at ease. The instructions that came along with the contracts made them very easy to fill out on my own and feel confident in what I was about to send over to the contractor. I cannot recommend them enough!
Amy, CPA