
Product Loan Agreement for Photoshoots Contract Template


Borrowing or lending products for a photoshoot? Let’s make sure everything comes back in one piece (or at least with a plan if it doesn’t). This attorney-drafted, customizable contract template sets clear rules on who’s responsible for what—so you can focus on creating a seamless collaboration.

The Details

So, you’re gearing up for that epic photoshoot—whether you’re a photographer eyeing that perfect prop, a stylist curating the dream scene, or a designer lending out your creations for the spotlight. But before the creativity flows, let’s talk about the nitty-gritty: Who’s covering shipping? What happens if that vintage vase takes a tumble? And are we all clear on return dates?

This user-friendly, customizable template covers essential aspects, including:

  • What’s on Loan: Clearly list the items being borrowed, so there’s no “I thought the antique mirror was included” confusion.
  • Shipping: Decide upfront who’s footing the bill for getting items to and from the shoot—no surprise invoices later.
  • Security Deposits: Outline if a deposit or credit card is needed to cover potential mishaps, ensuring everyone’s protected.
  • Returns: Set the when and how of returning items, keeping relationships smooth and drama-free.
  • Damages: Establish the plan for any wear and tear or oops moments, so everyone knows the drill.
  • And more!

With step-by-step written guidance, customizing this contract template to fit your unique business is easy-peasy!

What's Inside
Oh so great for

Over a decade in business, I’ve helped thousands of entrepreneurs (and counting!) confidently protect their businesses with contracts.

These aren’t generic, cookie-cutter contracts. Every template is drafted by an attorney (that’s me!) with real-world experience working with entrepreneurs just like you.This is where all the magic happens!

Once you purchase your contract, it’s yours forever. When the day comes that you need it (because trust me, it will), you’ll have it ready to go—no scrambling, no stress. Plus, you can use it again and again for every new client you book. Talk about a smart investment!

Think of this as a VIP pass for life. As my business bestie, you’ll get free updates whenever I refine or improve these templates. No extra fees, no hassle—just ongoing protection for your biz.

I purchased one of the legal bundles last week when I heard I won a bid and wanted to move quickly. Today, I got the redlines from my customer's legal department. They had maybe three edits and one was a missing period. In my day/full time jobs, I deal with vendors and the items I submit to legal get a lot more than three redlines. I'm new in business and was hesitant to spend the money but knew enough to get over that mindset.
Lig, Event Planner
I wanted to start really taking myself and my design business seriously, and having a well-drafted contract is one way to go about doing that, but I had no idea where to even start. That is, until I discovered Annette and her amazing (and amazingly affordable) contracts! Now I have an agreement for design services contract that leaves me feeling confident and protected, and it's such a relief! Not only that, but every piece of the contract is explained in detail, so I know the ins and outs of what I'm sending to clients. No more anxiety!
Melissa, Designer
We absolutely love how easy it is to use [these] contracts. They have  every contract we need so it's the first place we check before thinking about hiring a lawyer.  They also has a ton of great useful information which we find to be super helpful as entrepreneurs.
Jessica, Event Planner
I loved that your contract was specific to my industry, so I felt much more protected than purchasing a general contract for freelancers/online business owners. As for results, I feel much more confident going to a project with clients knowing I'm legally protected and I feel like I am taken more seriously. I would say to people who are considering purchasing this contract to just go for it. It's probably the most important thing to do before working with clients.
Lauren, Graphic and Web Designer
The "Agreement for Design Services" contract provides everything a freelancer designer needs to provide a seamless job for a client. Without it, I would have been overused and taken advantage of by clients.
John, Co-founder of design studio